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Tracking Compliance 
Just Got A Whole Lot Easier.

Simplify Your Compliance with All-in-One Software

With our compliance dashboard, easily view all tasks that need to be completed. You can quickly assess employee training, remediation efforts, vendor status, and more.

Get personalized and templated policy documents that adhere to healthcare regulations, giving you a head start towards compliance. Save time and effort not starting from scratch.

Streamline the process of completing your required risk assessments. Answer yes or no questions to assess your risk and watch as our software automatically identifies gaps and builds corrective actions around them.

Identify organizational risks from incident reports to improve your compliance efforts and prevent future incidents. Our software supports the reporting of all types of incidents and allows you to create custom events.

Tracking Compliance 
Just Got A 
Whole Lot Easier.

Simplify Your Compliance with All-in-One Software

With our compliance dashboard, easily view all tasks that need to be completed. You can quickly assess employee training, remediation efforts, vendor status, and more.

Get personalized and templated policy documents that adhere to healthcare regulations, giving you a head start towards compliance. Save time and effort not starting from scratch.

Streamline the process of completing your required risk assessments. Answer yes or no questions to assess your risk and watch as our software automatically identifies gaps and builds corrective actions around them.

Identify organizational risks from incident reports to improve your compliance efforts and prevent future incidents. Our software supports the reporting of all types of incidents and allows you to create custom events.