Social Media and HIPAA Compliance:
Protecting Your Practice in the Digital Age

Managing social media use and HIPAA compliance can lead to some of the most common misunderstandings Healthcare providers face. Employees who aren’t properly trained on HIPAA and social media can expose your organization to HIPAA violations and costly fines!

Whether your practice is using Facebook to attract new clients, or your employees are posting about their workday on Twitter, improper use of social media can lead to major HIPAA violations. Especially now that smart phones and access to apps like Instagram and Snapchat are on the rise, more of these violations have been making the headlines than ever before.

The question becomes: How can your business use social media without violating HIPAA privacy and security requirements?

In this webinar we outlined exactly how to protect your business by managing how your employees use social media. You’ll get concrete examples of how to create effective policies surrounding uses of phones and social media around the office, as well as real life examples of HIPAA breaches that have occurred as a result of improper social media usage.

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