Your HIPAA Implementation Guide

HIPAA Implementation Guide

You may already know that HIPAA imposes specific standards for healthcare organizations. These standards apply to everything from who should have access to patient information, how to keep patient information secure, and what to do if patient information is improperly used or disclosed. With so much at stake, you need a HIPAA implementation guide.

The Best HIPAA Implementation Guide

A HIPAA implementation guide can come in a few different formats. Some implementation guides are more effective than others.

HIPAA Manuals 

Using a HIPAA manual for your compliance is outdated. HIPAA manuals have never been efficient, and they are no longer considered effective. 


HIPAA compliance is fluid. A policy or procedure that is effective for a single-practice office is not necessarily effective for a larger organization. In turn, a policy or procedure that is appropriate for a larger organization may not be reasonable to implement for a small practice.

This makes HIPAA manuals ineffective.

Software Solution

Using a software solution as your HIPAA implementation guide is a step in the right direction. When choosing a software solution for your compliance, there are several things to consider.

Does the software platform offer:

While it is important to choose a complete solution, most people benefit from the addition of personalized support.