What is the Best Managed Service Software to Add to Your Stack?

Best Managed Service Software

Have you thought about expanding your offerings, but you don’t know where to start? The best managed service software to add to your stack is something that your clients need that is easy for you to manage. So, why not consider HIPAA? You’ve probably heard the term HIPAA thrown around a lot lately.

The main problem is most people are misusing it. Even your healthcare clients that know what HIPAA is and what it really means think they know how to comply with the law, but more often than not, they are poorly mistaken. This is because many of the provisions of HIPAA are left open to interpretation – as in they don’t specifically dictate in the law how to scale HIPAA for different-sized businesses properly.

Do you see the draw to offer HIPAA now?

No, probably not. All of this probably sounds like a headache and more work than it’s worth. But offering HIPAA to your clients can be easy when you partner with a company that knows what they’re doing.

Compliancy Group partners with MSPs and MSSPs to enable them to offer HIPAA to their clients without the usual barriers of entry that you see when trying to add to your offerings. This is because Compliancy Group’s Partner Program allows you to sell HIPAA compliance without having to be an expert. We service your healthcare clients so that you can focus on what you do best while we focus on what we do best. Our team of Compliance Coaches walk your clients through our HIPAA compliance software solution, enabling them to implement a complete HIPAA compliance program efficiently and effectively. Your client’s Compliance Coach is always available to answer any questions throughout the process.

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The best MSP software sells itself. Not only does offering a HIPAA service to your clients satisfy something they need, but HIPAA also highlights the need for the other tools in your stack. Tools such as endpoint security, RMM, penetration testing, password management, data backup, and disaster recovery are all justified by the requirements of the HIPAA regulations. By adding HIPAA compliance to your stack, you’re creating a value add for your clients while increasing your MRR.

A long time Compliancy Group partner, Rigid Bits, that has added HIPAA compliance to their offerings spoke to us about their experience. By offering HIPAA compliance services through the Compliancy Group Partner Program, Rigid Bits increased its deal size by 10 – 20%. The ability to upsell with a product that not everyone else can do with the confidence that Compliancy Group can – has helped them close more deals with HIPAA than they would have otherwise. By bundling in HIPAA with their other offerings, they increase their MRR with a service their client would need to address regardless. 

Did You Know That You Also Need to Be HIPAA Compliant?

As an MSP with healthcare clients, you are considered a HIPAA business associate. This is because you have the potential to view electronic protected health information (ePHI) through the services that you provide your clients. As a business associate, you have to meet many of the same requirements as your clients do. 

To satisfy the law, you have to implement a HIPAA compliance program including:

  • Conducting annual security risk assessments and remediating deficiencies uncovered by them
  • Implementing HIPAA policies and procedures
  • Conducting annual HIPAA training for all employees with the potential to access ePHI
  • Signing business associate agreements with your healthcare clients and vendors that you use to service their accounts
  • Creating an incident response plan to detect, responds to, and report breaches

Compliancy Group’s total HIPAA compliance solution allows you and your clients to become HIPAA compliant, with the support of expert Compliance Coaches guiding you both through the process. By being HIPAA compliant, you become your client’s trusted advisor and increase the value you provide your clients by offering compliance services they need. 

Why you should become HIPAA compliant:

  • Satisfy the law
  • Prove to prospective clients that they can trust you
  • Offer clients a valuable service that they need 
  • Differentiate and grow your business

As a Compliancy Group partner, you share in our profits with each client you bring to us without worrying about becoming a HIPAA expert yourself. As an added value, you are also given exclusive access to our content marketing team, giving you the resources to educate your clients and sell HIPAA compliance.

Ryan Smith, Director of Sales and Customer Success, Rigid Bits stated, “We have found the HIPAA checklist to be the most effective of Compliancy Group’s marketing tools. I talk to so many people who swear they’re HIPAA compliant, but 99% of them are not. I’ve never talked to a single company who had actually done HIPAA to a tee, except for a client of Compliancy Group that I had bumped into. The checklist gives me a great way to go back against that and open up the conversation more and say, ‘well, if you’re not doing these things on here then we should talk more.’”

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