Compliancy Group

HIPAA Compliant Call Recording

2024-07-15T14:36:07-04:00May 20th, 2020|

Providers may want to record conversations that they have with patients to refer back to for treatment purposes. However, there are certain restrictions placed on recording protected health information [...]

HIPAA and State Public Records Laws

2024-07-15T14:36:23-04:00April 22nd, 2020|

State public records laws, also known as open records or freedom of information laws, provide for certain public access to government records.  However, HIPAA requires covered entities to take [...]

National Doctor’s Day

2024-07-15T14:38:25-04:00March 30th, 2020|

In honor of National Doctor’s Day, Compliancy Group would like to recognize the incredible work that healthcare providers do every day. In today’s uncertain times, doctors are on the front [...]