Compliancy Group

What is a HIPAA Service?

2024-07-15T14:35:55-04:00June 15th, 2020|

A HIPAA service is a service performed by one entity, that enables another entity to meet its HIPAA compliance obligations. Under HIPAA, healthcare providers frequently contract with vendors who [...]

HIPAA Workforce Definition

2024-07-15T14:36:05-04:00May 22nd, 2020|

The HIPAA workforce definition is critical to understanding which entities a covered entity must enter into business associate agreements with. The HIPAA workforce definition is discussed below.  [...]

HIPAA Compliant Call Recording

2024-07-15T14:36:07-04:00May 20th, 2020|

Providers may want to record conversations that they have with patients to refer back to for treatment purposes. However, there are certain restrictions placed on recording protected health information [...]