Help Your Client with Compliance

Start offering compliance without the heavy lifting.

As an MSP, you’re often seen as your client’s trusted advisor. Although your focus is on the technical side, your clients may ask your opinion on how to meet healthcare compliance standards. When you work with Compliancy Group, you don’t have to become an expert in compliance. Join our Partner Program, and let us handle the rest!

“So I’m not just a customer. I can help my customers do this too, and it was a very low barrier to entry. I didn’t want to just turn my clients over to some company that I didn’t know, without knowing how they would take care of them. By going through Compliancy Group’s process myself first, I got to see how everything works” – Jesse Perry, Founder, JP Technical.


Offer Compliance Without the Hassle

Become a one-stop shop for your clients and increase MRR

Offer compliance without having to become an expert

Get marketing material to help you sell compliance

Grow your business by adding compliance to your offerings

Summer 2024 G2 Badges

Hear from some of our valued partners!

“There’s so much money to be made helping my existing clients become HIPAA compliant because once they go through all this work – when it comes to remediation, it’s this guy who has to help them put these things in place. Not only am I doing my customer a solid by helping them implement things they need to do anyway, but I’m being well compensated for doing the work. It’s completely win-win.”

After partnering with Compliancy Group, our sales approach completely transformed, with the conversation changing from security, to a compliance and business solution-focused conversation. Offering compliance services allowed us to decrease our sales cycle and increase sales conversion.

“By offering HIPAA compliance services through Compliancy Group’s Partner Program, our deal size increased by 10 – 20%. The ability to upsell a product that not everyone else can do with the confidence that Compliancy Group can – has helped us close more deals with HIPAA than we would have otherwise. By bundling HIPAA with our other offerings, we increased our MRR with a service our clients would need to address regardless.

Learn How Simple Compliance Can Be

With Compliance Software