Compliancy Group

What is a HIPAA Service?

2024-07-15T14:35:55-04:00June 15th, 2020|

A HIPAA service is a service performed by one entity, that enables another entity to meet its HIPAA compliance obligations. Under HIPAA, healthcare providers frequently contract with vendors who [...]

HIPAA Cloud Service Providers

2024-07-15T14:39:09-04:00January 8th, 2020|

Cloud service providers (CSP) are businesses that provide network services, business applications, or infrastructure, in the cloud. The services are hosted in a remote data center that can be [...]

Is DropBox HIPAA Compliant?

2024-07-15T15:29:00-04:00October 6th, 2017|

The question "Is DropBox HIPAA compliant?" is a common question for healthcare providers and organizations that deal with protected health information (PHI). Before we answer, let's take a brief [...]